Report safety and welfare concerns

We advise following your organisation’s safeguarding processes if they differ from the steps below.

View the below flowchart as a text only webpage

Reporting safety and welfare concerns flowchart

Is someone in immediate danger?

If someone is in immediate danger contact the emergency services on 999 If someone is not in immediate danger see below

Are you concerned someone is being radicalised?

If you are concerned someone is being radicalised follow your organisation’s Prevent process (Devon County Council staff can access the staff intranet pages on Prevent)

If you are not concerned that someone is being radicalised see below

Consider making a safeguarding referral

The steps below apply to people who are at risk of harm, or who have been harmed, within the boundaries of Devon County Council.

Find out what to do if someone is at risk/has been harmed in another local authority area.

If you are concerned about a child (aged under 18) If you are concerned about an adult (aged 18+)

Review the Level of Needs framework and make a referral to Early Help or Children’s Social Care as appropriate

Consider if they meet the legal threshold for referral

In addition to referring to Early Help or Children’s Social Care, if your concerns relate to child exploitation you may also need to make a Missing and Child Exploitation (MACE) submission If Safeguarding Adults criteria is met, refer to Devon Safeguarding Adults Service

Once you have made a safeguarding referral, or feel it’s not appropriate to do so, submit an information report to the police.

This will help you share information that you would not include in a safeguarding referral. This includes information about other victims and suspects.

Signposting to other support

You can signpost people to local support services. These may be helpful if you’re waiting to hear back about a safeguarding referral, if someone does not meet referral thresholds, or if they could benefit from additional support.

You might also be in a position to provide someone with further support.

  • What next?

    Find out what happens after you have submitted a safeguarding referral.

  • Self-help

    Access support if your work has affected your wellbeing