Exploitation and COVID-19 Bitesize Webinar - February 2021
Overview: webinar covering vulnerability and risk around exploitation during the COVID-19 pandemic and lockdown, hosted by the Safer Devon Partnership, the Devon Safeguarding Children Partnership and the Torbay and Devon Safeguarding Adults Partnership
Audience: colleagues and partners from frontline services and the voluntary and community sector who are supporting people during COVID-19 who may be vulnerable to exploitation
Aim: to provide information and learning around vulnerability and risk to exploitation, drawing on local experiences and case studies over the course of the pandemic to date, with contributions from subject matter experts across safeguarding, policing and community safety
- Webinar recording (1 hr)
- Webinar schedule
- Presentation slides and case example (child exploitation)
- Briefing notes – Digital Safety and COVID-19 and Preventing Exploitation Toolkit
- Webinar survey (5 mins) – share your thoughts on this webinar and suggestions for future webinars
If you encounter issues when viewing the webinar recording this may be down to bandwidth. You can test your broadband speed here. A minimum broadband speed of 3-5Mbps is recommended for streaming. If issues persist we advise closing non-essential internet browser windows and computer programmes.
- Toolkit promotional materials
Training resources
Please read our instructions document for an explanation of the training resources below
General resources:
Activity pack one – focus on case studies:
- Slides
- Activity one case studies:
Activity pack two – focus on vulnerability:
Activity pack three – focus on frontline workers:
Activity pack four – focus on communication:
Activity pack five – focus on trauma:
Activity pack six – focus on equality: